
Masthead (Desktop and Mobile Web)

Masthead Demo

Ad unit content must be clearly distinguishable from normal webpage or application content (i.e. ad unit must have clearly defined borders and not be confused with normal page content).

IAB Pushdown Behavior
A unit that displays expanded at 4:1 initially, pushing down the content of the page. The user may collapse the unit at any time.

Upon viewing the ad a second time, the unit displays collapse initially at 10:1 with a call to action to expand the unit again.

Collapsed Dimensions
Desktop: 10:1
Mobile: 6:1
Expanded Dimensions
Desktop: 4:1
Mobile: 16:9

In-Banner Video units must have user initiated sound.

Clear selection
SKU: 10x1>4x1 Desktop – 16x9>6x1 Mobile. Category: . Tag: .

Product Description

Ad Size Desktop 10:1/4:1 Mobile 16×9/6×1 Mobile
Unit Name Flexible Pushdown
HTML 5 File Size 100k/200k*
Animation 15 seconds max
Audio On Click
3rd Party Serving Yes
Expansion Size 4:1
Notes Auto Expand = 1 per 24/hrs
Subsequent expansion upon user click
Control = Scroll to collapse/expand
Video must include: Play, Pause, Mute (must be user initiated sound)

* polite load

Additional Information

Weight 1000 lbs